How Groups Can Help you Keep Goals

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Not everyone will have the same set of goals. However, there will certainly be similarities from one person to the next. Maybe you wish to lower your cholesterol by 15 points and someone else wants to do it by 30 points. You both share a goal, it’s just a different defined target.

As long as you can find people that have similar goals but not necessarily similar targets, you can make this work. The idea is to look for groups or forums where the topic is the goal you are trying to achieve. Once you find them, you can seek out people whose targets are very close to yours if that is important to you. If not, then most of the people in the group are going to suffice for your purposes.

You want to partner with one or two members. Explain that you are looking to obtain your goal and its target by a certain date. Ask them if they would like to work with you to keep each other on track. You can discuss all your dates and your targets and then come up with a plan on how you are going to look after each other. If someone should stray from the goal, that is okay as long as he or she works to get back on track.

This concept can be effective, but it does take some discipline. Some people will be excited to sign up only to disappear from the group a few days later. Simply move on to others and don’t worry about that. Eventually, you should be able to find one or two people who you can work with. This is a great way to make some friends as well.

If you really need motivation, you could try to tack on some financial motivation which might also make you require a w2 form creator to pay your taxes. This can get tricky if the members are scattered geographically so if you try this, choose members near your geographic area. Even if you set up a financial motivation and it doesn’t work out, i.e., someone doesn’t pay up, you still accomplished your goal which is what you set out to do in the first place.

You want to keep the number of people small and you don’t want to get involved with too many groups. Keeping track of the progress of one or two people is manageable while trying to do that with several people is going to take up a good chunk of time. This defeats the purpose of working with others as you won’t have time to devote to your own goals.